News Feed
Our work and our community.Lest we forget
Please take some time throughout your busy day to remember those who have fallen so that you can enjoy the little pleasures that are so very dear to you. Make it a point in your day to visit a war memorial and shake the hand of those who have and are still currently serving this great country.
NMRN set to visit the Louis St-Laurent Building in Gatineau
Posted? Or maybe you just have some real estate related questions… We are pleased to announce that we will have an info booth, this Thursday 3 April at 0900-1230hrs in the Louis St-Laurent Lobby at 555 Blvd de la Carrière, Gatineau, QC.
Posted? Contact us and we’ll set you up with one of our trusted professionals…Anywhere in Canada! CONTACT US

Ottawa Central Brokerage. Independently owned and operated.
Gatineau Brokerage. Independently owned and operated.